Tuesday, March 25, 2008

New frame coming in!

Hello everyone! Training is going well. Moving on to 8 min intervals in my zone 4, I am surviving them; that is super sweet! The weather is turning for the better, I plan to put on a lot hours this week and until the racing season starts at the end of April. My new frame Optimus Ti should be in this Thursday or Friday. Once it is completed, I will be posting pic's of my new ride for the season.

Keep the rubber to tha ground!


MCF said...

Did you get it yet? :)

msysing said...

Yes, I did. I love it! We are throwing down the gauntlet and making ss an official race gender here in Saskatchewan! Myself and another rider are announcing the first ever ss provincial race series in conjunction with other xc events. First race is May 9th, will let you know how it goes; and what the response is like. We need to shake it up here in North!
